2.1 - Annonce concernant les collaborateurs (French only)
2.2 - Annual Salary Statement
2.3 - Notice to be attached to the salary list
2.4 - Annual Review
2.5 - Rétributions versées lors de la cessation des rapports de service (French only)
2.6 - 602.101 - Claim for the refund of OASI contributions
2.7 - Incapacity to work : Third party compensations
2.8 - Contrôle annuel - Activités transfrontalières (French only)
2.9 - Renonciation à la franchise AVS - retraité salarié (French only)
2.10 - Renonciation à la franchise AVS - retraité indépendant (French only)
ALPS - Demande d'accès - Convention d'utilisation du portail ALPS
3.1 - 4266 - Application in relation to posting abroad, extension or long-term posting
3.2 - 4415 - Support for the determination of the social country legislation
3.3 - Application for voluntary insurance with the compulsory insurance system (AVS / AI) for persons without gainful employment accompanying their insured spouses or legal partners abroad
4.1 - 318.260 - Insurance certificate application form (AVS card)
4.2 - Demande de rectification des données personnelles figurant dans un registre officiel de la Confédération (only in French)
4.3 - 318.269 - Application form for income splitting upon divorce
4.4 - Statement of the individual account
5.1 - Application for family allowance by employer
5.2 - Application for family allowance by compensation fund
5.3 - Application for differential allowance by employer
5.4 - Application for differential allowance by compensation fund
5.5 - Questionnaire concernant les travailleurs à l'heure (only in French)
5.6 - Demande d'allocations pour indépendant (only in French)
5.7 - E 411 Demande de renseignements concernant le droit à prestations familiales dans l'Etat de résidence des membres de la famille
5.8 - Annonce réservée aux agences de placement (only in French)
5.9 - Employment Certificate for a transfer of a Differential Allowance (ADI)
6.1 - 318.750 - Maternity Allowance Application Form
6.2 - 318.751 - Supplementary Maternity Allowance Application Form
6.3 - 318.752 - Employer declaration form - For women who are unemployed and not in receipt of unemployment benefits
6.4 - 318.747 - Application for the allowance for the other parent - for the father or the mother's wife
6.5 - 318.748 - Supplementary application form for an allowance for the other parent
6.6 - 318.749 - Employer declaration form - For unemployed individuals who are in military service and not in receipt of unemployment benefits
6.7 - 318.744 - Demande d'allocation de prise en charge (French only)
6.8 - 318.745 - Feuille complémentaire à la demande d'allocation de prise en charge (French only)
6.9 - 318.746 - Formulaire de suivi pour l'allocation de prise en charge (French only)
6.10 - 318.739 - Application for an allowance extension following the death of a parent
6.11 - 318.739.1 - Supplementary application form for an allowance extension following the death of a parent
7.1 - 318.370 - Old-age pension application form
7.2 - 318.282 - Pension forecast application form
7.3 - 318.371 - Survivors pension application form
7.4 - 009.001 - Demande: Moyens auxiliaires de l’AVS -only in French
7.5 - 009.002 - Demande: Allocation pour impotent AVS - only in French
7.6 - 318.386 - Application for partial or full payment of a deferred old-age pension
7.7 - 318.381 - Application for increase in early old-age pension payments
7.9 - 318.383 -One-off application for the recalculation of the old-age pension after the reference age
7.11 - 318.000.1 - Application for an old-age pension for persons residing outside Switzerland
7.12 - 318.000.2 - Application for a survivors’ pension for persons residing outside Switzerland
7.13 - 001.001 - Demande de prestations AI pour adultes: Réadaptation professionnelle/ Rente - Only in French
7.14 - 001.002 - Demande de prestations AI pour adultes: Moyens auxiliaires
7.15 - 001.003 - Demande pour mineurs : Mesures médicales, mesures d'ordre professionnel et moyens auxiliaires
7.16 - 001.100 - Formulaire de communication pour adultes: Détection précoce
7.17 - 318.270 - Demande de bonifications pour tâches d’assistance
7.18 - 318.270.1 - Feuille complémentaire à la demande de bonifications pour tâches d’assistance
7.19 - 318.182 - Demande de versement de prestations AVS/AI/APG/PC/AF en mains de tiers
7.20 - 318.180 - Payment to a personal bank or post office account
7.21 - E 202 Demande de pension vieillesse
7.22 - E 203 Demande de pension de survivant
7.23 - E 204 Demande de pension d'invalidité
7.24 - E 205 Attestation concernant la carrière d'assuré en Suisse
7.25 - E 207 Renseignements concernant la carrière de l'assuré